Hypno-Survivorship Training Seminars with Jacquie Eaton.
We are pleased to announce in conjunction with "Phoenix Mind, Body and Soul Ltd t/a JLP Hypnotherapy" training seminars for hypnotherapists seeking to learn more about assisting people with cancer and helping them to overcome the emotional distress they feel following their diagnosis and their subsequent ongoing cancer treatment?
The Hypno-Survivorship programme is a psychological approach to dealing with 'cancer’ and shows how mindset, perceptions and future expectations influence our bodies physical well being and our clients ongoing cancer journey!
This fun and informal days training is designed to allow any hypnotherapist to increase their confidence and understanding regarding the medical side of cancer and its treatment, before moving on to discuss how we as hypnotherapists can make a massive difference to anyone on their cancer journey. Our professional Hypnotherapy Training Seminars are designed specifically to help practitioners maximise the assistance they offer Cancer Sufferers and their loved ones and are a great way to contribute to your ongoing CPD.
What is in the Training Seminar?
This specific one day training is designed to help hypnotherapists increase their knowledge of the physical aspects of cancer as well as to also appreciate the massive impact mindset plays on our bodies ability to fight disease, more specifically how stress effects our immune system.
Another important aspect of this training day is to allow practitioners to feel confident and relaxed whilst administering this exciting new therapy to their clients. A key focus of the training is to understand the way in which practitioners can encourage clients to talk with outsiders in an open and honest manner and how we as therapists can then tailor the therapy so it becomes totally client driven.
Training day layout.
The Morning Session:
The morning training session looks at the physical side of cancer, this comprises an explanation of the main types of Cancer, which are complimented by a series of short videos explaining the immune system and giving training delegates a greater understanding of how and why cancer develops in the body.
This will be followed by an explanation of each of the medical treatments available to cancer patients and how each treatment can be perfectly adapted for specific use under hypnosis.
The morning training will conclude with a question and answer session.
The Afternoon Session:
During the afternoon session we will then start getting into the nitty gritty of what the Hypno-Survivorship program has to offer your clients and your practice, including marketing this exciting therapy. We will also discuss how to develop and adapt the therapy to comfortably suit your clients’ needs.
In addition we will also cover the importance of maintaining a strict client/therapist relationship that empowers sufferers to feel far more in control during their ongoing cancer journey. The old adage "if you find yourself in a crocodile pit, it doesn't matter how you got in there, you better get out quick" springs to mind!
Once again there will be an opportunity to ask questions and a group discussion at the end of the training day.
Meet the trainer: Jacquie Eaton.
I trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 2008 and then trained as a Child Hypnotherapist, since then I have continued learning about new areas of hypnotherapy and the techniques that are used in sessions, I have trained in EDMR, NLP, Oldpain2go, EFT, Hypno-analysis and much more.
Cancer has touched all our lives and I am no exception, I have lost loved ones in the past and in 2018 I lost a really close friend of mine, she was only 44 when she died and I saw the pain and devastation that it caused her family as they saw her fade.
I began to help raise money for the hospice she was in at the time and through my knowledge and experience I have been able to help my clients to become stronger through their treatments and to help their carers by supporting them in the best way that I could.
As a trainer, using my years of experience I take you through the process of working with both the client and their carer, helping them to work through their fears and worries, educating them to build their immune systems to give themselves the best possible chance to fight. We are not miracle workers, we cannot promise to make everything alright, we cannot change circumstances but by building the clients strength emotionally we give them a chance to have a better quality of life and to enjoy the life they have. I believe it is essential to keep therapies new and fresh, so continue to have ongoing training myself, learning new skills to improve my own abilities as a therapist and to help train others.
Training venue and directions (please note the venue may change dependant on numbers, but will still be local).
Wisteria Cottage,
9, Rigby Hall,
B60 2EW
Course dates and cost.
Each delegate will receive the full training pack once their full payment has been received. Please make sure you bring the 150 page training manual with you to the seminar, whether that is a physical printed copy or in digital form. A training day certificate from the JLP Hypnotherapy Training school will be given to each delegate at the end of the day.
The cost of this 1 day training seminar includes the full Hypno-Survivorship Practitioners Pack and costs just £350.00... A £250 deposit is required upon sign up for the seminar, the balance of £100 is to be paid to the trainer by BACS 7 days before.
If you are already a Hypno-Survivorship practitioner, but would still like to attend this training day, the cost is just £125.00. Places will be limited to a first come first served basis.
Hours: Training starts at 9.30 - 1.00 and 2.00 - 4.30.
Parking: There is plenty of free parking available on Rigby Lane, 5 minute walk to Wisteria cottage
By train: Bromsgrove train station is 10 minute walk from Wisteria Cottage
Tea/Coffee refreshments are included, please bring a packed lunch, there is a local co-op that has a small choice of food for lunch or the Ladybird Inn is 10 minute walk, it may be possible to book lunch there depending on COVID restrictions